Business development board discusses overall purpose and goals | Local News
During their regularly scheduled meeting held on Thursday, July 11, London’s new Business Development Board members addressed a need to establish and define the purpose of the board.
The committee discussed and settled on a few of their goals with Mayor Randall Weddle and London-Laurel County Chamber of Commerce CEO Deanna Elder-Herrmann present.
Paula Thompson, executive director of London-Laurel County Economic Development, also attended the meeting via video call.
The meeting was chaired by Jason Handy.
Board Member Phil Smith began the primary discussion by expressing his opinion that the committee has a valuable and viable opportunity of aiding the community, but they needed to first identify how they plan to do so, and with more urgency than they have previously had.
Smith discussed the importance of guiding new business owners through the process of running a business, pointing them in the direction of those who can assist with their specific needs before they lose faith due to struggles with time and cost. In doing this, the city is likely to have more successful long-term businesses that survive their first year.
Speaking from the perspective of a landlord, Julia McKnight explained that she often encounters questions concerning ribbon-cuttings and advertising as well. McKnight additionally shared that smoke shops and beauty salons are typically the businesses that London citizens start up. Boutiques in the area are doing especially well.
Also discussed was the assistance of seasoned business owners, in addition to the new ones. The committee would like to help those who are already business owners to maintain steady traction and aid with expansions.
Furthermore, Thompson urged the committee to spread the knowledge of the business development team’s existence to as many people as possible. She suggested doing so by having both a strong social media presence and business cards to hand out regularly.
“I think that the key to all of this is collaboration,” Thompson stated. She went on to express her belief that everyone should be sharing ideas and what they are doing to help local businesses.
Ultimately, board members decided they will be the hub of information and resources for both brand new and existing businesses, and a voice for them to local government, serving as the “middle man.”
Additionally, the committee is in the process of establishing which tasks they will perform themselves. A solid mission statement from the board is still in the works as well.
To keep the ball rolling, the committee has agreed to hold a special-called meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 18, in the City Hall basement.
At this time, board members do not have individual email addresses set up for work related to the committee. However, the board will distribute the emails soon, and the Sentinel-Echo will share them once they become publicly available.
Current business owners or those interested in getting their own business started may send in questions to the board at